Ah...that delicious first sip of morning coffee is anticipated and longed for as you wake to the deep, lush and wonderful smell of French Roast, Sumatra Mandheling or Eithiopia Yrgacheffe brewing. I really do enjoy nothing more than a great cup of coffee.
Recently, a client of mine asked me to prototype a coffee bean tile to use as her new kitchen floor, a coffee bean terrazzo if you will, so I've taken my love of the delicious brew to new extremes by infusing the wonderful aromas with polyurethane resin.
Here's what I discovered prototyping the coffee bean terrazzo:
- Coffee bean floors are not a casual weekend warrior project
- Green unroasted beans have more moisture than roasted beans, so when combined with the 2-part polyurethane the moisture creates bubbles
- As the plastic cures, it heats up and releases vapors which mixed with the coffee beans, smells really good and then really weird
- Even a sub-par casting came out looking pretty awesome
- It's a really expensive process