I deal with dry hands on a daily basis working with wood, glue and lots of dust. I've tried all kinds of hand balms and salves-but I've got to say Burt's Bees Hand Salve is my top pick. It feels awful going on when your hands are really dry-but then it soothes and relieves. I like that I can throw it in my tool bag and that it smells slightly of turpentine-which seems more appropriate than smelling like jasmine or lilac.
This is a refreshing site! I love Burt's Bees!
have you ever tried Badger Healing Balm for hardworking hands? ... invented by a carpenter working outside in New England winters (badgerbalm.com) ... 100% natural. Made with sweet birch oil and smells wintergreeny.
Thanks for the tip on the Badger Balm-I'll give it a try.
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